In order to get good reach in twitter, some users account accumulates a lot of tweets. There are a lot of re-tweets of our posts in our account. Sometimes we use some automatic tools like Twitterfeed for re-tweeting our posts and within a short time there are thousands of tweets in our account.
If you feel that your profile doesn’t look good. So you must be looking for a simple way to delete all our tweets at once? Twitter doesn’t give an option to delete all tweets at once. There is an external application or probably applications available for deleting all tweets.
If you get to a point that you would like to delete all your tweets and start over, yet keep the similar followers, it can be done with TwitWipe.
How To Delete All Your Tweets using TwitWipe
* Go to TwitWipe site.Look for a white box with a sign in with Twitter button. Click on the button.
* When prompted, give your Twitter credentials, then click Authorize application.
* You’ll be rerouted back to the TwitWipe home page. Scroll down to the center of the web page and look again for a white box. Now, click on the link that says Start Wiping. Ensure you actually want to delete all your Twitter tweets before you do this-there isn’t any tweet recovery option.
* TwitWipe asks you one last time if you’re sure you would like to delete all your tweets. Click Yeahhh.
Within seconds, your Twitter account is going to be easily wiped totally clean, with no tweet-lame or otherwise-left in your feed.
Thank You : /
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