In a surprising and unexpected move, Apple revealed its OS X Mountain Lion past week and enthusiasts across the world were left enthralled as the new Operating System promises to provide more than 100 new features with those, which are present in iOS such as AirPlay Mirroring, messaging application and Twitter integration. Apple unveiled the OS X Lion just 7 months ago, marketing more than 19 million copies all over the world. It has now surprised all its enthusiasts by revealing the next operating system for Mac, fusing it with iOS for providing more flexibility and features. Besides all this, OS X Mountain Lion will be providing deep integration with iCloud that allows the system for automatically configure services such as FaceTime and Mail, while iCloud Documents will automatically synchronize documents across devices.
The first registration process is to be done, similar to how you set up the account with your iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone. It will provide you with a login screen when you first install the OS, and the system will automatically set up iCloud, Mail, Calendars, Contacts, FaceTime, Messages, Reminders, Notes, Mac App Store, Game Center, Bookmarks and Documents & Data. The OS X Mountain Lion offers support for iOS-like share button, allowing users to quickly share photos, videos and text through Messages Flickr, AirDrop and Twitter Mail. It also features a similar Twitter integration like iOS integration and can get notifications for direct messages and replies sent on Twitter.
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The first registration process is to be done, similar to how you set up the account with your iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone. It will provide you with a login screen when you first install the OS, and the system will automatically set up iCloud, Mail, Calendars, Contacts, FaceTime, Messages, Reminders, Notes, Mac App Store, Game Center, Bookmarks and Documents & Data. The OS X Mountain Lion offers support for iOS-like share button, allowing users to quickly share photos, videos and text through Messages Flickr, AirDrop and Twitter Mail. It also features a similar Twitter integration like iOS integration and can get notifications for direct messages and replies sent on Twitter.
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