HTC have just announced the One X and One V for India in a launch event in Singapore, a few hours back. The phones won’t be available until April 2 and the expected prices are supposed to be the same as we reported earlier, i.e. Rs.35,000 for the One X and Rs.17,000 for the One V. The One X is officially the fastest mobile phone, currently in the market with its quad-core Tegra 3 processor. To make the phones more appealing, HTC will also be adding some cool features at launch, like Image Sense and 25GB of storage space in Dropbox for two years. In other news, 'Box' is offering 50GB of free space, if you sign up now, so just putting it out there, in case you want more cloud storage for free. We hope to hear something from HTC India, soon, regarding the final pricing and of course, the actual street price once it hits online stores.
The One X will be HTC’s and India’s very first quad-core phone when it launches. Armed with Android 4.0, a large IPS display, 8MP shooter and 32GB of onboard memory, it seems like a formidable opponent.
Here is a look at the highlighted features of the HTC One X:
The One V will also feature ICS, but is targeted at the mid-range segment. While it doesn’t up the ante in terms of specifications, when compared to existing handsets in this price range, a new addition is always welcome and gives users more options to choose from.
So, here’s a look at what the One V has to offer:
The One X will be HTC’s and India’s very first quad-core phone when it launches. Armed with Android 4.0, a large IPS display, 8MP shooter and 32GB of onboard memory, it seems like a formidable opponent.
Here is a look at the highlighted features of the HTC One X:
- Android 4.0 with HTC Sense 4
- 1.5 GHz quad-core processor
- 4.7-inch display with a resolution of 1280 x 720
- 8MP camera with AF, LED flash, BSI sensor and 1080p HD video recording
- F2.0 aperture and 28mm lens
- 1.3MP front camera with a resolution of 720p for video chat
- 32GB Internal memory
- Beats Audio
- NFC, Wi-Fi, DLNA, micro-USB 2.0, HDMI
- 1800 mAh battery
The One V will also feature ICS, but is targeted at the mid-range segment. While it doesn’t up the ante in terms of specifications, when compared to existing handsets in this price range, a new addition is always welcome and gives users more options to choose from.
So, here’s a look at what the One V has to offer:
- Android 4.0 with HTC Sense 4
- 3.7-inch display with a resolution of 480 x 800
- 5MP camera with AF, LED flash, BSI sensor and 720p HD video recording
- F2.0 aperture and 28mm lens
- 4GB Internal memory
- 512 MB RAM
- Beats Audio
- Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, micro-USB
- 1500mAh battery
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