Intex has launched a new dual-SIM, GSM+GSM feature phone called the YUVA that boasts of a longer backup time with its 2100 mAH battery. While nothing has been said about the OS, it seems to be a Java-based phone sporting a 2.6" QVGA screen. The phone measures 117.3 (l) x 51.5 (w) x 13 (d) mm and weighs around 102 grammes. While the press release says that device offers talktime of up to 8 hours and standby time of up to 500 hours, the product page cuts down the talktime promise to 6 hours.
Other features include a 1.3 MP camera, GPRS/WAP support, dual language support (Hindi and English), FM radio and audio player, mobile tracker, 32 GB memory support via Micro SD card, Bluetooth with A2DP support, and blacklist \ white list option to screen numbers.
The Intex YUVA is priced at Rs 2900 and will be available in black, white, and silver hues.
Other features include a 1.3 MP camera, GPRS/WAP support, dual language support (Hindi and English), FM radio and audio player, mobile tracker, 32 GB memory support via Micro SD card, Bluetooth with A2DP support, and blacklist \ white list option to screen numbers.
The Intex YUVA is priced at Rs 2900 and will be available in black, white, and silver hues.
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