Some popular phones getting the upgrade are the Xperia Arc S, Xperia Ray and Neo V in India. At the launch of the Sony Xperia S last week, the Sony spokesperson had shared plans of enabling the upgrade within April 2012.
Users of these phones will have to connect the handset to the PC and update the software using the proprietary PC Companion. The company also recommends that the phone should have more than 50 percent battery charge during the process of updating.
mosimageInterestingly, we came across an Xperia Ray user who managed to update the handset last night itself. When checked for the update for other devices, the update was not available for Xperia S till this morning.
However, now the users of all the three handsets can update the device to Android ICS. The company's website also states that the other handsets in the Xperia lineup, the Arc, Play, Neo, Pro, Mini and Mini Pro, Active and Live with Walkman will receive the update.
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